
Westgate Wonderland

A digital experience for to tell people the story behind Oxford Westgate, a shopping centre in the heart of Oxford


Westgate Wonderland

Landsec own and manage some of the most successful commercial properties in the UK. Their brief was to showcase one of their most recent projects, Westgate, a shopping centre in the heart of the city of Oxford. Our challenge was to tell Westgate’s story and create an experience that would engage and inspire visitors to their website.


Client: Landsec
My role: Digital design and art direction


This was a massive project for Landsec, one that touched the lives of many different people throughout its construction, from architects to retail partners to archaeologists, the local council and many more.

Our idea focused around telling this story through the lens of these people that made Westgate what it is today.


Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s famous story written in Oxford, Westgate Wonderland became our vehicle to tell the story. This allowed us the freedom to imagine our own world and the characters within it.

The story follows a girl called Alice on her way to Westgate Wonderland. The real people became the characters she meet’s along the way.


We thought carefully about crafting our own story and unique characters, matching the attributes of the animals to the skills of the real people and their professions.

I was the creative lead and designer on this project, working closely with illustrator Peter Greenwood and the client to direct the vision and story. I also designed the digital experience for the website.