
Lloyds Banking Group

Talent attraction campaigns


Lloyds Banking Group

The highly competitive world of the financial sector often gets a bad rep. Particularly with 16-24 year olds looking for their first job out of school or uni. Whilst Lloyds Bank has a positive and caring high-street persona, Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) were struggling to attract this audience to the wealth of career opportunities on offer.


Client: Lloyds Banking Group
My role: Campaign concept, design and art direction


Our approach was to shift the focus towards how a career with LBG can complement your passions outside of work. Whether it’s sport, reading, competitive weight lifting or raising a family, we drew parallels between the skills practiced in these personal passions and showed how they could apply to specific roles at Lloyds.


We showed this through a whole host of real people at LBG from all walks of life. The campaign centred around ‘a day in the life’ style films following ten individuals both at work and their passions outside of it. This was supported by a complete redesign of the careers website as well as printed brochures, posters and social content.

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To represent the plethora of different passions and career skills, we designed a rich series of icons used across the campaign media, working closely with typographer Rick Banks to craft the final set.


This was a three month long project where I was involved from the early concept right the way through to a developed design and delivery across multiple platforms. I was the art director on a two week video and photoshoot, filming and/or photographing 20 people across the country with a photographer and film crew.
